It's the World's Smallest Disco, and it's happening live and in-person, exclusively in your bathtub. Can you dig it, cool cats? Designed specifically with Bath Bot, our digital bath bomb, in mind, we've cooked up a storm on the dancefloor! A far-out cascade of colours emerge from this disc-shaped bath bomb, perfectly harmonising with Bath Bot's groovy custom light show. With lemon myrtle and grapefruit oils that'll lift your spirits, while the bespoke 'Rave' setting on Bath Bot raises the vibrations.
How to use:
When it's time for a bathtime boogie, reach for World's Smallest Disco and Bath Bot, and pair them with the 'Rave' setting in the Lush Bathe app. The resulting light and sound showcase will be totally out of sight!
How to store:
Keep this bath bomb off the dancefloor, daddio! Until you're ready for time in the tub, World's Smallest Disco is best kept in a cool, dry place.